Friday, August 1, 2008

A Birthday in London

What a day it was. We went to London to celebrate Sara's Birthday...originally it was going to be in Paris, but we were informed from Sara that Hanna Montana does not go to Paris, and she would much rather see the Queens Castle....and the non stop talking about Big Ben. So we headed down to London on Saturday. It was a blast. We started off at Buckingham was great. Very crowded, but seeing the changing of the guards was great. Even Sara asked where the men with the really tall black hats were. I guess it is a ceremonial outfit. But it was something that I myself have always wanted to do.

We ended up walking in the park, and finding some snacks. We could see the Eye from the river, but not Big Ben, and it was a concern for her. However once we turned down a street, we had succeeded. We found him. And I must say, it is really quite a sight. The rest of the church is incredible. Just to the left of the tower, is the river Thames,( I think that is how it is spelled), and the Eye is on the boardwalk. So many live statues and breakdancers lined the street. It took us just about an hour to get to the other bridge, which was really not that far. But the girls were so amazing, we walked all day long, and it must have been quite a few miles. But they were so happy to be in London, it did not matter. Sara was so excited because we found a restaurant!!!! I know that sounds kinda silly, but we really do not have any restaurants to speak of around where we live, and she has been asking "to go to a place you know where you sit down and eat at". It really was great food, I needed that. With everything that happened, I was amazed that they had enough energy to become monkeys on the train. It completely reminded me of Japan as a kid!

All in all, I think that she had quite the birthday. Her friend Briney came and played, and another friend Emily visited on Monday. Not many people can celebrate 3 days in a row. It has been a very great summer with the girls. We are very sad to see them go, and it will be a very long year once again without them to make the house alive!

We even have had time to celebrate a very merry un-birthday for Jessica since we never get to join her on her birthday. It was small, but very nice to see the excitement on her face. I hope all are in good spirits, and we will see you all very soon!