Saturday, January 10, 2009

Finally seeing Kendrick Jumping!

Hey everyone...So I have finally put this on the blog. About 2 months ago, Cade and myself were able to watch my honey jump. He is always somewhere else when they do, but the Commander here is so great, and he knows that we as women would like every once in a while see what our husbands and dad's are out doing. So he scheduled this jump on base for us to come and see. It was so cool. And of course once he landed, my camera died!!! I suck. But at least I was able to get in a couple of shots. My husband is so cool...I love him.


The Murrays said...

So cool!!! Definitely don't have the guts to do that!!

60 days to go?!?! CRAZY!!! Can't wait to see the little guy!!

"M" Clan said...

Go Kendrick! How fun you could go watch! xo