Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Thought for the Day

Hey everyone! Things have changed. We now need to have everything ready by the beginning of May because a window of time has been upped! The movers will come sometime in the beginning of may and we need to have stuff stored where it will be-basically we will be living in a shell-yes bust out the sleeping bags and TV dinners! Life is Grand!


melissa said...

Ok, so I just found your link on Nick and Sierra's page, read your blog, and cried a little. I'm so happy for you guys! It sounds like such an awesome adventure for you and England is beautiful. I will definitely have to come visit sometime. I have to admit that they are tears of happiness and tears of sadness. I will miss you (even though we don't see each other very often), and I would love to be there when you guys do get sealed. Anyway, I love you bunches and just had to say it! I move back to Vegas in April, so maybe we can squeeze in one last lunch. Love you toots!

"M" Clan said...

Such a cute page, love love love the pics of you and the girls!