Thursday, April 10, 2008

This Crazy Life

So many things have happened in the last couple of weeks. Carol, Kim, Kolton and KC all came down for a quick trip. We had a blast. For starters, we went to indoor Skydiving!!! I have never seen Kim and Kendrick turn in to little boys, it was the best, and the expressions on everyones face were priceless. Even Carol could not get over how big the smiles were. Everyone should try it. Of course, Kendrick was a natural, but even after doing the real deal, this was still a blast. We have to go again.
We had a BBQ that night, with Cheesecake...yum yum (Crystal), and sadly they had to leave the next morning. But the little time we had was great. Kolton hung around with Kendrick and I the next day, and it was really nice to have some one on two time with him. He is really quite a guy. Funny, caring, and very much like his bro.
It was short, but I was very happy to have the time with them. We will be seeing them soon up in Idaho for a farewell party. I love that my Mauna will always throw a celebration. And anyone who has been to a small get together of hers will understand my excitement!
Anyhow, things are progressing here. So many last minute papers to fill out, schedules to arrange, and a house to pack. I did start, and I think Kendrick kinda wishes I would wait a bit at least. Our kitchen is bare, all that is left are the essentials. But I can make do. It is slow, but progressing at least!
Next week we will have a house-full once again. Brock, Abbie, her sis and a friend are coming down, and Mindy and her kiddies will join in. I can't wait. Brock is a bundle of joy, and I can't wait to plan weddings! Brock and Abbie are engaged, and we have so much to do. I am trying to get all of my end of our Temple day planned, but I am very lucky that I have a mom who truly makes the day exactly what I want. I have told her that I really do not want to have to much to do with it....I really do not have time to concentrate on all the details. But Mindy and my Mom are all to happy to take over for me. And that is such a blessing in disguise!
Well I hope that all is well wherever you are. And hopefully we will see all of you soon!

Karlee and Kendrick


Robyn & Aaron said...

Karlee, I didn't know you were moving to England. Ahhhh...I am so excited for you two. That will be a fabulous adventure. I can't wait to see everything that you two will be doing and keeping in touch. I love you so much, and I'm so proud of you for working towards getting sealed. Do you know when that's happening yet?
Love you so much. Our blog is

melissa said...

Oh my gosh! I'm so excited for Brock! That's awesome! Have you and Kendrick gotten a sure temple date yet? I found a bunch of green flowers, so I need to call you soon. Love you toots!

"M" Clan said...

Good luck with all the packing- time really is going fast!