Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cade Kendrick Passey

I know you have been waiting for him, so here he comes! More to follow!
Born: March 15, 2009
Weight: 9 lbs
Length: 20.5 in
Little fuzzy hair and already so cute!

WE are so happy for all the prayers that went up while he was in the hospital! Thank you for all you have done! He is safe and well, and growing more every day. At his two week appointment he gained weight! We love you all, here is our pride and joy!


"M" Clan said...

Congratulations! Welcome to the world baby Cade! xo

Mike and Jen said...

Congrats!! I didn't even know you were pregnant. I guess I am out of the loop. My parents never tell me anything. Hope all is well with you and the little one. Take Care!!

Jennifer Begay Totten