Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Man Cub is getting so big!

So we have had a great couple of weeks. Cade is so active now. He laughs, cries, and talks ALL the time. I truly love it. He now is out of almost all his 0-3 month outfits. Man it is so true that they grow up way too fast. Kendrick is doing great. He is in Yuma at the moment finishing up his 7 level cert for his job. YEAH! It is good that he finishes this. Anyhow he is missing Cade and me so much. Every time we talk on skype, Cade just stares at him, laughs, and gets so excited. No one can make this little man happy like his Dad. Sometimes you feel that you spend so much time, and you should get the giggles and smiles. But the second he is in his papa's arms, no one else exists anymore. I am loving my Boy, my hubby and my life. It could not get any better at this point.


Anonymous said...

OH that little bundle of joy really is such a beautiful creature! The pics and the video of him smiling and making a little cooig is so fantastic---one of the ones that you can't help smiling about!!! Thanks for sharing!

Tyler and Crystal Christian said...

Wow, he looks so adorable, I loved the video, it wasn't long enough!!! I can't wait to meet my little nephew. It's fun to see what I can look forward to in a few weeks. I think our boys will really enjoy playing together some day!

The Murrays said...

He is so cute! I see so much of the girls in him!! Love the coos!

"M" Clan said...

Love the video!! To watch him respond with such excitement and interest to every noise from his mommy, precious!